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MemberDB - A Membership Database

NOTE: Do not use this software. This page exists for historical reasons only. MemberDB is no longer maintained and you shouldn't use it. Go check out CiviCRM and its voting modules instead.

MemberDB is a membership database application written by me, Stewart Smith ( to aid in keeping up to date membership lists for the various organisations I've been involed in.

The package includes both the database schema and a web based interface. The aim is for standards compliant XHTML and CSS.

Users include Linux Australia and Linux Users of Victoria.

Latest News


Features include:


Here are some screenshots from the current version (0.2) as well during 0.3 development.


All memberdb code is released under the GPL. See the included LICENSE file for details. There are a couple of third party libraries that we use. These are kept seperate from the memberdb code (in the www/lib directory) and have their own LICENSE files. They are GPL compatible.



Development, bugs etc

Everything is now maintained over on


Please contribute some!

Stewart Smith (