Size of Storage Engines

For whatever reason, let’s look at “Total Physical Source Lines of Code” from a recent mysql-6.0 tree (and PBXT from PBXT source repo):

See the spreadsheet here.

Raw data:

Blackhole        336
CSV             1143
Archive         2960
MyISAM         34019
PBXT           41732
Maria          69019
InnoDB         82557
Falcon         91158
NDB           365272

NDB has a 100,000 line test suite.

PBXT supports MySQL and Drizzle.

Conclusions to draw? Err… none really.

4 thoughts on “Size of Storage Engines

  1. That means that our test suite is bigger than
    any other of the compared engines. Cool!

    Also noticeable, we have during the last ~5 years
    added features to the ndb kernel, but still decreased/kept SLOC (in the kernel).

    I’m no expert, but I think this fits the criteria for the today very fashionable word “reengineering”.

  2. A couple of conclusions
    1) MyISAM uses a very compact coding style packing much functionality per line (as does MySQL Server)
    2) NDB has a coding style that is much less compact, also the NDB message passing architecture requires many code lines to send and receive messages (which by the way are executed very fast by modern CPU’s)
    3) NDB solves a bigger problem so natural that it uses more code lines, also distributed database.

    Conclusions from this, you can program in many different styles to achieve the same purpose.

    Personally I like counting code lines, but mainly as a way of motivating myself that I’m actually moving forward :)

  3. Pingback: NDB Kernel size over releases | Ramblings

  4. On that note – I would be interested in seeing SLOC for each MySQL version compared to engine code. I think in some marketing usage the complexities of an engine are under appreciated, since “anyone can write one”.

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