christmas routine

It’s not a ritual, it’s a routine. Six months from the original Yule, a mile away from any meaning that tonight has to Christian folk, I trod down the stairs to participate in the lighting of the candles.

Yes, every year we light candles, turn the lights out, look at them and then blow the candles out. One of my cousins has come down from Brisbane for a holiday, she says it’s the first time she’s seen anything like it. She’d probably be right. They’re all excited. I’m not.

It doesn’t mean anything to me. I don’t beleive in it all. I’m not a JF*. I’m not a Christian, and the more I learn about it, the less I like it.

I was watching SBS last night, they had on a program about Weaton College (in the US). A Christian college. There was this program dedicated to the struggle there between the teaching of evolution theory.

Here’s how it goes. Evolution is the work of the devil. It’s all satan’s work. Genesis is correct. Ignore all this evolution theory and don’t listen to it.

Or: We should teach creationism in high-school science classes.

Now, anything pulled out of the Bible is not science. It’s religion. The two should not mix. Teach your Genesis in a class studying Christian teachings. Teach evolution in your science class. Evolution is a fucking *theory* – not “this is divine truth”. Learn something before you dismiss it.

“If my daughter were to lose her faith, I’d rather see her dead.”

Great fucking example there hey boys and girls? Always looking for a crusade. Always wanting to be rightous. Wanting life to be simple. Wanting someone to serve. Not taking responsibility for your own actions. Being a Christian fanatic.

It scares me that a parent would rather see their child dead than finding their own source of happiness.

But maybe this is just me, being big in the “an it harm none, do as ye will”. Maybe some got the wrong translation or something – “an it harm some, do thy will”. perhaps we’ll never know.

Christianity is the biggest perversion of anything their Christ would have preached I could imagine. Someone who promoted tolerance, love and caring. I haven’t met too many people who’ve come back from the dead saying “please kill a whole bunch of people in my name”. Obviously, we’re not talking about big fluffy bunnies with bad teeth.

We won’t have hope for world peace until we accept people for who they are and respect their personal rights. Or maybe you’d find it easier to tie me to a stake and burn me. Perhaps that would make life easier. Just don’t toast fucking marshmallows (unless they’re vegan).

* u know who that reference is for, and i hope you laugh. It’s a *joke* :)

One thought on “christmas routine

  1. OK! Wat is your problem with christ? it did no harm to u u do no harm to them. Man! respect other religions. don’t believe, don’t bother people. And stop bad mouthing reilgions

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