reading all about how to store stuff for reading

Otherwise titled: A day of reading about Filesystems.

I’m managing to continually find stuff I haven’t already read. I think this is a good thing. I’m clearly now going to have to do some more research into how RDMBS do things.

The idea of Snapshots sound interesting, and may prove an interesting way to help avoid having to do journalling. I’ve been thinking that journalling could be a real issue if we allow large transations, so maybe a snapshot like idea could be good. Although, this could limit the number of transactions we work on concurrently if it’s implemented the WAFL way.

So looking at how RDBMS do concurrent transactions would be useful. I guess we do have the advantage of having PostgreSQL and MySQL code to peer at but I do hope there are some nice papers out there to read :)

I’ve collected a large array of useful papers to read. I’m going to try and wade through them sometime soon, but will have to do more coursework soon.

I’m thinking tomorrow might contain a bit of coursework – need to do more POVRAY/OpenGL stuff as well as study more of the Pattern Recognition stuff. Oh, and look at the Info Security assignment & exercise for this week.

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