tazo (yoyo the next generation)

okay, so the $HOSTNAME-ng tag is getting a bit dated, it seems like it’s the monash favourite, so tazo (the “work-in-progress” name for the new yoyo) is up and I’m helping to get it up and running.

I seem to have been the guy doing most of the stuff so far, the /root/CHANGED file is mostly me. I’ve started to bitch in it. Bitch about FreeBSD that is.

The ports system is cool, when it works. and when you don’t have stupid proxy authentication to contend with. oh, and an incomplete mirror.aarnet.edu.au

i think i’m doing things the right way, well – the way the handbook tells me and using portupgrade \*

oh, installing PHP4 has segfaulted. that’s fun. NOT!

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