lit review

well, i’m working on it.

bloody thing. all this other stuff we have to do instead of the project. It really does annoy me. I’d love to be able to get rid of coursework, assignments and these ‘intermediate’ things we have to do (which reminds me, i’ve got a heap of stuff to catch up on still) and just get on with the research. i.e. stuff that actually interests me/i care about.

i’m getting there on it – trying to work out what actually to talk about, in what order and all that. Not that we really get any help from this “subject” on these things. hmmm…..

One thought on “lit review

  1. Well think of it this way, the sooner you get it over and done with the sooner you can start doing stuff you’re passionate about. Like coding kernels and updating Stew’s kernel and working on that classic, Walnut.

    MAN! I’m hungry now. yummm..

    Anyone up for going to the circus for some peanuts and live acrobatics? The Circus IS in town you know.. ;)

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