Well, after the half false start of not having RAM so really not being able to do much (yeah yeah, I hear you – I’m weak for not just running Linux in L3), my RAM arrived today. Putting the sticks in was easy (of course), although does not make for an exciting photo.
After that, I SSH’d the the BMC and then did “obmcutil poweron” (as is traditional) and started looking at the console via conneting via SSH to port 2200 on the BMC. I was then greeted by the (by this time in my life rather familiar) Hostboot:
--== Welcome to Hostboot hostboot-3beba24/hbicore.bin ==-- 3.02902|secure|SecureROM valid - enabling functionality 7.15613|Booting from SBE side 0 on master proc=00050000 7.19697|ISTEP 6. 5 - host_init_fsi 7.54226|ISTEP 6. 6 - host_set_ipl_parms 8.06280|ISTEP 6. 7 - host_discover_targets 9.19791|HWAS|PRESENT> DIMM[03]=8080000000000000 9.19792|HWAS|PRESENT> Proc[05]=8000000000000000 9.19794|HWAS|PRESENT> Core[07]=1511540000000000 9.55305|ISTEP 6. 8 - host_update_master_tpm 9.60521|SECURE|Security Access Bit> 0x0000000000000000 9.60522|SECURE|Secure Mode Disable (via Jumper)> 0x8000000000000000 9.63093|ISTEP 6. 9 - host_gard 9.89867|HWAS|Blocking Speculative Deconfig 9.90128|HWAS|FUNCTIONAL> DIMM[03]=8080000000000000 9.90129|HWAS|FUNCTIONAL> Proc[05]=8000000000000000 9.90130|HWAS|FUNCTIONAL> Core[07]=1511540000000000 9.90329|ISTEP 6.11 - host_start_occ_xstop_handler 11.19092|ISTEP 6.12 - host_voltage_config 11.30246|ISTEP 7. 1 - mss_attr_cleanup 12.61924|ISTEP 7. 2 - mss_volt 12.92705|ISTEP 7. 3 - mss_freq 13.67475|ISTEP 7. 4 - mss_eff_config 14.95827|ISTEP 7. 5 - mss_attr_update 14.97307|ISTEP 8. 1 - host_slave_sbe_config 15.05372|ISTEP 8. 2 - host_setup_sbe 15.10258|ISTEP 8. 3 - host_cbs_start 15.10381|ISTEP 8. 4 - proc_check_slave_sbe_seeprom_complete 15.11144|ISTEP 8. 5 - host_attnlisten_proc 15.11213|ISTEP 8. 6 - host_p9_fbc_eff_config 15.13552|ISTEP 8. 7 - host_p9_eff_config_links 15.20087|ISTEP 8. 8 - proc_attr_update 15.20191|ISTEP 8. 9 - proc_chiplet_fabric_scominit 15.21891|ISTEP 8.10 - proc_xbus_scominit 15.22929|ISTEP 8.11 - proc_xbus_enable_ridi 15.24717|ISTEP 8.12 - host_set_voltages 15.26620|ISTEP 9. 1 - fabric_erepair 15.42123|ISTEP 9. 2 - fabric_io_dccal 15.42436|ISTEP 9. 3 - fabric_pre_trainadv 15.42887|ISTEP 9. 4 - fabric_io_run_training 15.43207|ISTEP 9. 5 - fabric_post_trainadv 15.44893|ISTEP 9. 6 - proc_smp_link_layer 15.45454|ISTEP 9. 7 - proc_fab_iovalid 15.87126|ISTEP 9. 8 - host_fbc_eff_config_aggregate 15.89174|ISTEP 10. 1 - proc_build_smp 16.54194|ISTEP 10. 2 - host_slave_sbe_update 18.63876|sbe|System Performing SBE Update for PROC 0, side 0 41.69727|sbe|System Rebooting To Complete SBE Update Process 41.72189|IPMI: Initiate power cycle 42.40652|IPMI: shutdown complete
The first IPL updated the Self Boot Engine firmware on the chip, so it automatically applied the new firmware and rebooted to finish applying it. This is perfectly normal, it just shows itself as a longer boot time. Booting continues:
--== Welcome to Hostboot hostboot-3beba24/hbicore.bin ==-- 3.02810|secure|SecureROM valid - enabling functionality 6.07331|Booting from SBE side 0 on master proc=00050000 6.11485|ISTEP 6. 5 - host_init_fsi 6.60361|ISTEP 6. 6 - host_set_ipl_parms 6.98640|ISTEP 6. 7 - host_discover_targets 7.53975|HWAS|PRESENT> DIMM[03]=8080000000000000 7.53976|HWAS|PRESENT> Proc[05]=8000000000000000 7.53977|HWAS|PRESENT> Core[07]=1511540000000000 7.79123|ISTEP 6. 8 - host_update_master_tpm 7.79263|SECURE|Security Access Bit> 0x0000000000000000 7.79264|SECURE|Secure Mode Disable (via Jumper)> 0x8000000000000000 7.82684|ISTEP 6. 9 - host_gard 8.26609|HWAS|Blocking Speculative Deconfig 8.26865|HWAS|FUNCTIONAL> DIMM[03]=8080000000000000 8.26866|HWAS|FUNCTIONAL> Proc[05]=8000000000000000 8.26867|HWAS|FUNCTIONAL> Core[07]=1511540000000000 8.27142|ISTEP 6.11 - host_start_occ_xstop_handler 9.69606|ISTEP 6.12 - host_voltage_config 9.81183|ISTEP 7. 1 - mss_attr_cleanup 10.95130|ISTEP 7. 2 - mss_volt 11.39875|ISTEP 7. 3 - mss_freq 12.15655|ISTEP 7. 4 - mss_eff_config 13.63504|ISTEP 7. 5 - mss_attr_update 13.65162|ISTEP 8. 1 - host_slave_sbe_config 13.78039|ISTEP 8. 2 - host_setup_sbe 13.78143|ISTEP 8. 3 - host_cbs_start 13.78247|ISTEP 8. 4 - proc_check_slave_sbe_seeprom_complete 13.79015|ISTEP 8. 5 - host_attnlisten_proc 13.79114|ISTEP 8. 6 - host_p9_fbc_eff_config 13.79734|ISTEP 8. 7 - host_p9_eff_config_links 13.85128|ISTEP 8. 8 - proc_attr_update 13.85783|ISTEP 8. 9 - proc_chiplet_fabric_scominit 13.87991|ISTEP 8.10 - proc_xbus_scominit 13.89056|ISTEP 8.11 - proc_xbus_enable_ridi 13.91122|ISTEP 8.12 - host_set_voltages 13.93077|ISTEP 9. 1 - fabric_erepair 14.05235|ISTEP 9. 2 - fabric_io_dccal 14.13131|ISTEP 9. 3 - fabric_pre_trainadv 14.13616|ISTEP 9. 4 - fabric_io_run_training 14.13934|ISTEP 9. 5 - fabric_post_trainadv 14.14087|ISTEP 9. 6 - proc_smp_link_layer 14.14656|ISTEP 9. 7 - proc_fab_iovalid 14.59454|ISTEP 9. 8 - host_fbc_eff_config_aggregate 14.61811|ISTEP 10. 1 - proc_build_smp 15.24074|ISTEP 10. 2 - host_slave_sbe_update 17.16022|sbe|System Performing SBE Update for PROC 0, side 1 40.16808|ISTEP 10. 4 - proc_cen_ref_clk_enable 40.27866|ISTEP 10. 5 - proc_enable_osclite 40.31297|ISTEP 10. 6 - proc_chiplet_scominit 40.55805|ISTEP 10. 7 - proc_abus_scominit 40.57942|ISTEP 10. 8 - proc_obus_scominit 40.58078|ISTEP 10. 9 - proc_npu_scominit 40.60704|ISTEP 10.10 - proc_pcie_scominit 40.66572|ISTEP 10.11 - proc_scomoverride_chiplets 40.66874|ISTEP 10.12 - proc_chiplet_enable_ridi 40.68407|ISTEP 10.13 - host_rng_bist 40.75548|ISTEP 10.14 - host_update_redundant_tpm 40.75785|ISTEP 11. 1 - host_prd_hwreconfig 41.15067|ISTEP 11. 2 - cen_tp_chiplet_init1 41.15299|ISTEP 11. 3 - cen_pll_initf 41.15544|ISTEP 11. 4 - cen_pll_setup 41.18530|ISTEP 11. 5 - cen_tp_chiplet_init2 41.18762|ISTEP 11. 6 - cen_tp_arrayinit 41.19050|ISTEP 11. 7 - cen_tp_chiplet_init3 41.19286|ISTEP 11. 8 - cen_chiplet_init 41.19553|ISTEP 11. 9 - cen_arrayinit 41.19986|ISTEP 11.10 - cen_initf 41.20215|ISTEP 11.11 - cen_do_manual_inits 41.20497|ISTEP 11.12 - cen_startclocks 41.20802|ISTEP 11.13 - cen_scominits 41.21171|ISTEP 12. 1 - mss_getecid 42.25709|ISTEP 12. 2 - dmi_attr_update 42.30382|ISTEP 12. 3 - proc_dmi_scominit 42.32572|ISTEP 12. 4 - cen_dmi_scominit 42.32798|ISTEP 12. 5 - dmi_erepair 42.35000|ISTEP 12. 6 - dmi_io_dccal 42.35218|ISTEP 12. 7 - dmi_pre_trainadv 42.35489|ISTEP 12. 8 - dmi_io_run_training 42.37076|ISTEP 12. 9 - dmi_post_trainadv 42.39541|ISTEP 12.10 - proc_cen_framelock 42.40772|ISTEP 12.11 - host_startprd_dmi 42.41974|ISTEP 12.12 - host_attnlisten_memb 42.44506|ISTEP 12.13 - cen_set_inband_addr 42.58832|ISTEP 13. 1 - host_disable_memvolt 43.67808|ISTEP 13. 2 - mem_pll_reset 43.75070|ISTEP 13. 3 - mem_pll_initf 43.85043|ISTEP 13. 4 - mem_pll_setup 43.87372|ISTEP 13. 6 - mem_startclocks 43.88970|ISTEP 13. 7 - host_enable_memvolt 43.89177|ISTEP 13. 8 - mss_scominit 45.10013|ISTEP 13. 9 - mss_ddr_phy_reset 45.38105|ISTEP 13.10 - mss_draminit 45.95447|ISTEP 13.11 - mss_draminit_training 47.20963|ISTEP 13.12 - mss_draminit_trainadv 47.32161|ISTEP 13.13 - mss_draminit_mc 47.49186|ISTEP 14. 1 - mss_memdiag 69.53224|ISTEP 14. 2 - mss_thermal_init 69.66891|ISTEP 14. 3 - proc_pcie_config 69.71959|ISTEP 14. 4 - mss_power_cleanup 69.72385|ISTEP 14. 5 - proc_setup_bars 69.83889|ISTEP 14. 6 - proc_htm_setup 69.84748|ISTEP 14. 7 - proc_exit_cache_contained 69.89430|ISTEP 15. 1 - host_build_stop_image 73.08679|ISTEP 15. 2 - proc_set_pba_homer_bar 73.12352|ISTEP 15. 3 - host_establish_ex_chiplet 73.13714|ISTEP 15. 4 - host_start_stop_engine 73.19059|ISTEP 16. 1 - host_activate_master 74.44590|ISTEP 16. 2 - host_activate_slave_cores 74.53820|ISTEP 16. 3 - host_secure_rng 74.54651|ISTEP 16. 4 - mss_scrub 74.56565|ISTEP 16. 5 - host_load_io_ppe 74.78752|ISTEP 16. 6 - host_ipl_complete 75.50085|ISTEP 18.11 - proc_tod_setup 75.94190|ISTEP 18.12 - proc_tod_init 75.97575|ISTEP 20. 1 - host_load_payload 77.12340|ISTEP 20. 2 - host_load_hdat 78.05195|ISTEP 21. 1 - host_runtime_setup 83.87001|htmgt|OCCs are now running in ACTIVE state 89.72649|ISTEP 21. 2 - host_verify_hdat 89.77252|ISTEP 21. 3 - host_start_payload [ 90.400516933,5] OPAL skiboot-c81f9d6 starting…
The rest of the skiboot log was also spat out, and then the familiar Petitboot screen:
It lives! I even had a bit of a look at the sensors to see power consumption and temperatures. All looks good:
ipmitool sdr|grep -v ns occ0 | 0x00 | ok occ1 | 0x00 | ok p0_core3_temp | 51 degrees C | ok p0_core5_temp | 49 degrees C | ok p0_core7_temp | 50 degrees C | ok p0_core11_temp | 49 degrees C | ok p0_core15_temp | 50 degrees C | ok p0_core17_temp | 50 degrees C | ok p0_core19_temp | 50 degrees C | ok p0_core21_temp | 50 degrees C | ok dimm0_temp | 36 degrees C | ok dimm4_temp | 39 degrees C | ok fan0 | 1300 RPM | ok fan1 | 1200 RPM | ok fan2 | 1000 RPM | ok p0_power | 60 Watts | ok p0_vdd_power | 31 Watts | ok p0_vdn_power | 10 Watts | ok cpu_1_ambient | 30.90 degrees C | ok pcie | 27 degrees C | ok ambient | 25.40 degrees C | ok
Next up? I guess I should install an OS.