Belated Holiday Blogging

(the following few entries were written at various times, but are now posted after the events).

So back from New Zealand for only a few days before heading off again. This time for a bit of a holiday though!

The plan is as follows:
– Jessie leaves on Wednesday (the day after I get back from NZ), taking my car over so we have a way to drive around and see the countryside.
– I join on the Saturday, taking a week off work to see some of Tasmania as I haven’t been since I was a foetus and would like to actually see and remember the trip this time
– Michael joins us the following Thursday. Ordinarily Jessie would have probably convinced him to do the boyfriendly thing of being there the whole time, but at about a month into a new job, he’s figuring it’s probably not the best idea to skip out for a week.

Just to make things interesting, at the same time I’ve got a bunch of work to do as well as a trip to organise.

I’ve now discovered that in some parts of tassie, mobile phone reception is sketchy (or just non-existent) especially for my carrier (Optarse – oh, I mean Optus – they’re cable Internet bandwidth limitations seem to have scarred me there). So I’ve been playing answering machine message tag with my travel agent Andrew.

In March, I’ll be in London (probably just for a day doing some touristy things on the way through), then Stockholm spending some time with Jonas getting further with online add/drop node and nodegroup for ndb (as he’s not coming to our developer conference due to impending new baby) before finally heading off to Sorrento, a bit out of Naples for the MySQL DevConf. I got hold of Andrew last night (when we stopped in Burnie) and aparrently he’s found a way so that I don’t have to go London -> Stockholm -> London -> Naples and can just go Stockholm -> Rome. That’ll be nice.

Anyway, back to what I’ve been doing in tassie…

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