new headphones

Today (well, *technically* yesterday, ’cause it’s 2:30am on sat now) my new headphones arrived in at work. From Grado Labs, Alessandro Music Series One.

Pretty good so far.

Having to go through my iMic on my desktop PC as the built in sound has too much noise (you hear this high pitched tone with the headphones).

knew that imic would be useful.. :)


The instructions are: Grab the nearest book, open it to page 23, find the 5th sentence, post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

This optimization prevents the wasted copying of large amounts of data (the address space, easily tens of megabytes); in the common case a process executes a new executable image immediately after forking.

memberdb work

been doing a fair bit of mods to memberdb recently – getting features in.

– new css based look (which is almost correct)
– more solid code around the place
– better error reporting (that needs debugging… hahaha)
– a start on the positions tracking UI
– change password UI
– sorting of the memberlist
– moving look and messages into site customisable directories (so nobody has to get scared by memberdb code itself)

so, been busy :)

some of these have made it to the stable branch… i guess i’ll put more of them in there as things actually stabilise. Especially since is actually running the stable 0.2 branch now (which is nowhere near final).

Have no real schedule or ideas on when to release 0.2, maybe when i’ve done the positions stuff, fixed the CSS and made a “edit member info” (accessible to admin and each member) UI. That’d be a real big leap from 0.1 :)

I’d like to put GPG stuff on the cards for 0.3…. but it’ll be tricky finding a nice way to integrate everything. I’m thinking along the lines of a UI where a person enters their key ID, fingerprint and keyserver (then we pull the key using gpg). To help verify, we could then send all email gpg signed/encrypted :)

we’d then have to have a not-well-trusted GPG key for memberdb installations – which could be… interesting….

but hey – it’s the one big feature request from an outside group.

They want to have GPG signed applications – but maybe they’ll settle for sending GPG encrypted mail to the applicant (saying “confirm membership like this”). The validity of the key can always be checked before approving the membership – it’s going to have to be semi manual anyway.