Yet another near-upstream Raptor Blackbird firmware build

In what is coming a month occurance, I’ve put up yet another firmware build for the Raptor Blackbird with close-to-upstream firmware (see here and here for previous ones).

Well, I’ve done another build! It’s current op-build (as of yesterday), but my branch with patches for the Raptor Blackbird. The skiboot patch is there, the SBE speedup patch is now upstream. The machine-xml which is straight from Raptor but in my repo.

Here’s the current versions of everything:

$ lsprop /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/ibm,firmware-versions/
skiboot          "v6.5-228-g82aed17a-p4360f95"
occ              "3ab2921"
hostboot         "acdff8a-pe7e80e1"
buildroot        "2019.05.3-15-g3a4fc2a888"
capp-ucode       "p9-dd2-v4"
machine-xml      "site_local-stewart-a0efd66"
sbe              "c318ab0-p1ddf83c"
hcode            "hw030220a.opmst"
petitboot        "v1.12"
phandle          0000064c (1612)
version          "blackbird-v2.4-514-g62d1a941"
linux            "5.4.22-openpower1-pdbbf8c8"
name             "ibm,firmware-versions"

If we compare this to the last build I put up, we have:

occ3ab2921no change
capp-ucodep9-dd2-v4no change
machine-xmlsite_local-stewart-a0efd66no change

So, what do those changes mean? Not too much changed over the past month. Kernel bump, new petitboot (although I can’t find release notes but it doesn’t look like there’s a lot of changes), and slight bumps to other firmware components.

Grab blackbird.pnor from and give it a whirl!

To flash it, copy blackbird.pnor to your Blackbird’s BMC in /tmp/ (important! the /tmp filesystem has enough room, the home directory for root does not), and then run:

pflash -E -p /tmp/blackbird.pnor

Which will ask you to confirm and then flash:

About to erase chip !
WARNING ! This will modify your HOST flash chip content !
Enter "yes" to confirm:yes
Erasing... (may take a while)
[==================================================] 99% ETA:1s      
done !
About to program "/tmp/blackbird.pnor" at 0x00000000..0x04000000 !
Programming & Verifying...
[==================================================] 100% ETA:0s   

2 thoughts on “Yet another near-upstream Raptor Blackbird firmware build

  1. Pingback: OCC and Sensors on the Raptor Blackbird (and other POWER9 systems) | Ramblings

  2. Pingback: A op-build v2.5-rc1 based Raptor Blackbird Build | Ramblings

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