meeting this weekend

Well, we’re heading towards our (second) face2face committee meeting. The first was at Linux.Conf.Au 2003 (just after we were elected).

We’re making progress and are in good spirits. Both privately and publicly we’re happy at where we are. True, we could be further, but considering our collective schedules and the fact that this is volunteer work, it’s pretty cool.

We’ve decided to take the sponsorship proposal by Kim for LinMagAU to the next level. I don’t forsee anything being rejected. This is a pretty cool project that’s nice and community oriented. Let’s face it, community is a HUGE part of open source and a part we all just love.

Information Security Drinking game

Finish your drink when the lecturer says:
– “15 year old Canadian”
– “Mafia Boy”
– “Microsoft”
– anything about a 1×1 image

Take a drink when:
– There is a spelling mistake in the notes
– When you can read one of the words written on the board
– any mention of “” is made

new ipods

well, there’s new ipods out. i still want one, but haven’t yet justified spending a few hundred (read MANY hundred) dollars on what is a music player. A portable cool one at that, but it is just a beefier version of my current mp3 player…

if the ipod had a recording capability (that was properly in there, not a seemingly hidden feature as in the new ones) then i may be more inclined to get one – recording lectures/talks etc would be really cool then…. although, i could just do that with my laptop now…. urgh.

although bootlegging with an ipod would be rather cool.