A close-to-upstream firmware build for the Raptor Blackbird

UPDATE: A newer version is available here

It goes without saying that using this build is a At Your Own Risk and I make zero warranty. AFAIK it can’t physically destroy your system.

My GitHub op-build branch stewart-blackbird-v1 has all the changes built into this build (the VERSION displayed in firmware will be slightly weird as I did the tagging afterwards… this is not meant to be “howto release firmware to the public”). Follow op-build pull 3341 for the state of upstreaming everything.

Binaries are over at https://www.flamingspork.com/blackbird/stewart-blackbird-v1-images/ (see the git branch of op-build for source).

To flash it (temporarily), grab blackbird.pnor, get it to /tmp on your BMC and follow the instructions I posted the other day.

I’d be interested in any feedback on what does/does not work.