Nearly off to London and Stockholm

In about 4.5hrs, I’ll be in a cab to the airport. At about lunchtime (1:30pm or so) London time, I’ll be in London. I’ll be there for a few days – until the 27th. If you’re around London or can make it, it’d be cool to hang. I plan to be a bit of a tourist here and there as I haven’t seen heaps of London and I do hear it’s nice :)

After that, I’ll be in Stockholm for about three weeks (I leave on the 19th… as it’s currently planned). So if you’re around, give me a yell!

My cell (mobile) number is pretty easy to find (hint: google my name along with my employer and look for a post on a mailing list… my work email sig has my phone number).

I’m in Stockholm for work, I’m going to be working in the office (which will be the longest amount of time I’ve gone to work in an office in over 2 years).

SVN shows its’ true colours

I thought “svn”, I typed “cvs”. Hrrm… sounds about right.

In other revision control news, using quilt to manage work-in-progress patches in conjunction with BK is proving really, really great. I feel like an idiot having lived this long and not worked this way.

I have a feeling that if git was being used I’d just do everything there as it’s so quick anyway. I haven’t used bzr on these sorts of size of repos yet, but it should be good too.

Danger-Bomb alarm clock: reconnect the wires to turn it off

Boing Boing: Danger-Bomb alarm clock: reconnect the wires to turn it off

I think I totally need one of these – over the years I’ve become a complete expert in the art of not getting out of bed when an alarm goes off (even if I have several scattered around the room)

RAID, LVM2 on USB disks with Ubuntu makes me a sad panda

Talk about a total pain to operate. After a reboot, the following is needed:

  1. modprobe dm_snapshot (if you don’t do this, you get “device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Invalid argument” in step 6 – a really helpful error message. no dmesg or verbose things gets you any closer)
  2. some magic foo to scan the md array back
  3. pvscan
  4. vgscan
  5. lvscan
  6. lvchange -ay FooVG/barLV
  7. mount
  8. urgh.

Why this doesn’t just all detect itself on boot who knows. I’m surely not the only one doing this….

timeout units

Following a discussion on mythtv on #xfs (as you do), and a wondering of “hrrm… i wonder what unit that timeout is” with some NDB code I wish to make the following announcement:

All timeout values in NDB related APIs will now be given in centijiffies of the server system. For APIs that can talk to multiple hosts, it will be furlongs per fortnight.

I feel that having a consistent interface such as this will lead to much less confusion and better apps.