Cold Brew Coffee Experiment #2

Two things varied from my previous attempt:

  1. I kept it in the fridge instead of on the bench (it’s been really hot in Melbourne and the fridge is closer to “normal” temperature than outside)
  2. doubled the amount of water

The difference? It’s certainly cooler, and a weaker flavour. That being said,  I think you get more of the subtleties of the flavour rather than being a bit thwacked with it. I found my last experiment nice, but perhaps a bit sharp. This batch tastes very smooth and refreshing.

This batch also seemed to be less gritty, with me seeing fewer grounds in the filter. I wonder if that’s due to fridge, variance of grind or water quantity.

I think for my next go I’m going to try same amount of coffee, in the fridge, but 2 cups of water.

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