New Jenkins Bazaar plugin release

I’ve just uploaded version 1.20 of the Bazaar plugin for Jenkins. This release is based on feedback from users and our experiences at Percona.

  • Do a lightweight checkout instead of a heavyweight checkout (if “Checkout” is enabled)
  • Fix bug: lightweight checkout “update” would always fail as bzr update didn’t accept a repository argument. Switch to using bzr update followed by bzr switch. This should massively improve performance for those not doing a full branch.
  • Remove “Clean Branch” advanced option (replaced with “Clean Tree” option)
  • Add a “Clean Tree” advanced option. This will run “bzr clean-tree –quiet –ignored –unknown –detritus”, preserving the .bzr directory but doing the equivalent of wiping the workspace (starting with a fresh slate). This should massively improve performance for projects that do not have a clean build.
  • Clarify that Loggerhead is the repository browser used by Launchpad, and have a complete example of how to configure it.

Jenkins Bazaar plugin 1.19

I recently released a new version of the Bazaar plugin for Jenkins. This release was inspired by a problem we noticed at Percona. It is:

  • run “bzr revert” after a pull, as if you have a directory that is removed and re-added while having unknown files in said directory (e.g. build artifacts), you would end up in a very bad place (this is a BZR bug, so we work-around it with a “bzr revert”).

The update has already appeared in the Jenkins update centre, so you should already be able to upgrade to it.

New Jenkins Bazaar plugin release! 1.18

From the desk of your new Bazaar plugin for Jenkins maintainer, I give you Version 1.18.

This release has two good bug fixes:

  • UI fix for checkout option (JENKINS-12261)
  • Auto-recover from corrupt BZR branches (e.g. bzr branch/checkout killed at inopportune moment) by cleaning the workspace and trying again (this is now default behaviour, best used with the Jenkins SCM retry count feature being > 1)

We’ve been running the same code as this release at Percona for about 2 months now (the second bugfix was one I wanted to test first before submitting upstream). This is the big fix that fixed all our problems with using bazaar with Jenkins in a large deployment.

The other news? I’m now maintainer, and this is my first release.

The page on the Jenkins wiki is here:

and updates should come through the standard Jenkins channels as all the auto-foo happens.

Hacking the Jenkins BZR plugin

For Drizzle and for all of the projects we work on at Percona we use the Bazaar revision control system (largely because it’s what we were using at MySQL and it’s what MySQL still uses). We also use Jenkins.

We have a lot of jobs in our Jenkins. A lot. We build upstream MySQL 5.1, 5.5 and 5.6, Percona Server 5.1, Percona Server 5.5, XtraBackup 1.6, 2.0 and 2.1. For each of these we also have the normal trunk builds as well as parameterised ones that allow a developer to test out a tree before they ask for it to be merged. We also have each of these products across seven operating systems and for each of those both x86 32bit and 64bit. If we weren’t already in the hundreds of jobs, we certainly are once you multiply out between release and debug and XtraBackup being across so many MySQL and Percona Server versions.

I honestly would not be surprised if we had the most jobs of any user of the Bazaar plugin to Jenkins, and we’re probably amongst the top few of all Jenkins installations.

So, in August last year we discovered a file descriptor leak in the Bazaar plugin. Basically, garbage collection doesn’t get kicked off when you run out of file descriptors. This prevented us from even starting back up Jenkins until I found and fixed the bug. Good times.

We later hit a bug that was triggered in the parallel loading of jobs during startup. We could get stuck in an infinite loop during Jenkins starting that would just eat CPU and get nowhere. Luckily Jenkins provides a workaround: specify “-Djenkins.model.Jenkins.parallelLoad=false” as an argument and it just does it single threaded. For us, this solves that problem.

We were also hitting another problem. If you kill bzr at just the wrong time, you can leave the repository in not an entirely happy state. An initial branch can be killed at a time where it’ll think it’s a repository rather than a checkout and there’s a bunch of other weirdness (including file system corruption if you happen to use bad VM software).

The way we were solving this was to sometimes go and “clean workspace” on the jobs that needed it (annoying with matrix builds). We’d switched to just doing “clean tree” for a bunch of builds. The problem with doing a clean tree was that “bzr branch” to check out the source code could take a very long time – especially for Percona Server which is a branch of MySQL and hence has hundreds of megabytes of history.

We couldn’t use bzr shared repositories as we kept hitting concurrency bugs when more than one jenkins job was trying to do a bzr operation at the same time (common when matrix builds kick off builds for release and debug for example).

So.. I fixed that in the Jenkins bazaar plugin too (which should be in an upcoming release) and we’ve been running it on our Jenkins instance for the past ~2 months.

Basically, if we fail to check out the Bazaar tree, we wipe it clean and try again (Jenkins has a “retry count” for source checkouts). This is a really awesome form of self healing. Even if the bazaar team fixed all the bugs, we’d still have to go and get that new version of bzr on all our build machines – including ancient systems such as CentOS 5. Not as much fun as bashing your head into a vice.

After all of that, I seem to now be the maintainer of the Bazaar plugin for Jenkins as Monty pointed out I was using it a lot more than him and kept finding and fixing bugs.

Soooo… say hello to the new Jenkins Bazaar plugin maintainer, me.

Yes, I maintain Java code now. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Puppet + Vagrant + jenkins = automated bliss

I’m currently teaching myself how to do Puppet. Why? Well, at Percona we support a bunch of platforms for our software. This means we have to maintain a bunch of Jenkins slaves to build the software on. We want to add new machines and have (up until now) maintained a magic “apt-get install” command line in the Jenkins EC2 configuration. This isn’t an ideal situation and there’s been talk of getting Puppet to do the heavy lifting for a while.

So I sat down to do it.

Step 1: take the “apt-get install” line and convert it into puppet speak.

This was pretty easy. I started off with Vagrant starting a Ubuntu Lucid 32 VM (just like in the Vagrant getting started guide) and enabled the provision using puppet bit.

Step 2: find out you need to run “apt-get update”

Since the base VM I’m using was made there had been updates, so I needed to make any package installation depend on running “apt-get update” to ensure I was both installing the latest version and that the repositories would have the files I was looking for.

This was pretty easy (once I knew how):

exec {"apt-update":
       command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update",
Exec["apt-update"] -> Package <| |>

This simply does two things: specify to run “apt-get update” and then specify that any package install depends on having run “apt-update” first.

I’ve also needed things such as:

case $operatingsystem {
     debian, ubuntu: { $libaiodev = "libaio-dev" }
     centos, redhat: { $libaiodev = "aio-devel" }
     default: { fail("Unrecognised OS for libaio-dev") }
package { "libaio-dev":
          name => $libaiodev,
          ensure => latest,

The idea being that when I go and test all this stuff running on CentOS, it should mostly “just work” there too.

The next step? Setting up and running the Jenkins slave.

Using Jenkins to parse sphinx warnings

At Percona, we’re now using sphinx for our documentation. We’re also using Jenkins for our  continuous integration. We have compiler warnings from GCC being parsed by Jenkins using the built in filters, but there isn’t one for the sphinx warnings.

Luckily, in the configuration page for Jenkins, the Warnings plugin allows you to specify your own filters. I’ve added the following filter to process warnings from sphinx:

For those who want to copy and paste:

Regex: ^(.*):(\d+): \((.*)\) (.*)

Mapping Script

import hudson.plugins.warnings.parser.Warning
String fileName =
String lineNumber =
String category =
String message =

return new Warning(fileName, Integer.parseInt(lineNumber), "sphinx", category, message);

Example log message: /home/stewart/percona-server/docs-5.1/doc/source/release-notes/Percona-Server-1.0.2-3.rst:67: (WARNING/2) Inline literal start-string without end-string.

Then I can select this filter from the job that builds (and publishes) our documentation and it shows up like any other compiler warnings. Neat!

TODO: get the intersphinx warnings also in there

TODO: fix the linkcheck target in Sphinx so that it’s easily parseable and can also be integrated.