Gender diversity in speakers

My first was 2003 and it was absolutely fantastic and I’ve been to every one since. Since I like this radical idea of equality and the LCA2015 organizers said there were 20% female speakers this year, I thought I’d look through the history.

So, since there isn’t M or F on the conference program, I have to guess. This probably means I get things wrong and have a bias. But, heck, I’ll have a go and this is my best guess (and mostly excludes miniconfs as I don’t have programmes for them)

  • 2003: 34 speakers: 5.8% women.
  • 2004: 46 speakers: 4.3% women.
  • 2005: 44 speakers: 4.5% women
  • 2006: 66 speakers: 0% women (somebody please correct me, there’s some non gender specific names without gender pronouns in bios)
  • 2007: 173 speakers: 12.1% women (and an order of magnitude more than previously). Includes miniconfs
    (didn’t have just a list of speakers, so this is numbers of talks and talks given by… plus some talks had multiple presenters)
  • 2008: 72 speakers: 16.6% women
  • 2009: 177 speakers (includes miniconfs): 12.4% women
  • 2010: 207 speakers (includes miniconfs): 14.5% women
  • 2011: 194 speakers (includes miniconfs): 14.4% women
  • 2012: (for some reason site isn’t responding…)
  • 2013: 188 speakers (includes most miniconfs), 14.4% women
  • 2014: 162 speakers (some miniconfs included): 19.1% women
  • 2015: As announced at the opening: 20% women.

Or, in graph form:


  • the historical schedules up on
  • my brain guessing the gender of names. This is no doubt sometimes flawed.

Update/correction: lca2012 had around 20% women speakers at main conference (organizers gave numbers at opening) and 2006 had 3 at sysadmin miniconf and 1 in main conference.

Cyanogenmod with encryption on a Sony Z1 Compact

So, new personal surveillance device (it’s pink! No more BORING black phone!).

Needed to be able to load my own firmware on it and have encryption. It turns out I had to go and do things like this: which is, in fact, repartitioning my phone.

It’s been a while since I’ve had to do math on partitions to get a Linux installed somewhere… but if you don’t change where the filesystem is, you can’t run with encryption.

Basically, if enabling encryption isn’t working, run “adb logcat” on your computer and look for ” E/Cryptfs ( 1890): Orig filesystem overlaps crypto footer region.  Cannot encrypt in place.” if you see that, you’re going to need to boot into recovery and ” adb shell” before finding what block device /data is (check the output of “mount”) and then check the number of blocks it is in /proc/partitions before running mkfs.ext4 on it but with a device size of a few kb less than the device (I think I picked 16kb less. After doing that, everything “just worked”.

how do I deal with OTA updates? Quite easily – copy the zip to the SD card and install from there.