A (simplified) view of OpenPOWER Firmware Development

I’ve been working on trying to better document the whole flow of code that goes into a build of firmware for an OpenPOWER machine. This is partially to help those not familiar with it get a better grasp of the sheer scale of what goes into that 32/64MB of flash.

I also wanted to convey the components that we heavily re-used from other Open Source projects, what parts are still “IBM internal” (as they relate to the open source workflow) and which bits are primarily contributed to by IBMers (at least at this point in time).

As such, let’s start with the legend of the diagram:

Now, the diagram:

Simplified development flow for OpenPOWER firmware

The end thing that a user with a machine will download and apply (or that comes shipped with a box) is the purple “Installable Firmware Release” nodes (bottom center). In this diagram, there are 4 of them. One for POWER9 systems such as the just-announced AC922 system (this is the “OP910 Release” node, which is the witherspoon_defconfig in the op-build tree); one for the p9dsu platform (p9dsu_defconfig in op-build) and one is for IBM FSP based systems such as the S812L and S822L systems (or S812/S822 in OPAL mode).

There are more platforms out there, but this diagram is meant to be simplified. The key difference with the p9dsu platform is that this is produced by somebody other than IBM.

All of these releases are based off the upstream op-build project, op-build is the light blue box in the center of the diagram. We do regular X.Y releases and sometimes do X.Y.Z releases. It’s primarily a pull request based workflow currently, so everything goes via a pull request. The op-build project brings together all the POWER specific firmware components (pretty much everything in every other light blue/blue box) along with a Linux kernel and buildroot.

The kernel and buildroot are the two big yellow boxes on the top right. Buildroot brings together a lot of open source components that are in our firmware image (including some power specific ones that we get through upstream buildroot).

For Linux, this is a pretty simplified view of the process, but we primarily ship the stable tree (with maybe up to half a dozen patches).

The skiboot and petitboot components both use a mailing list based workflow (similar to kernel) as well as X.Y and X.Y.Z releases (again, similar to the linux kernel).

On the far left of the diagram, we have Hostboot, SBE and OCC. These are three firmware components that come from the traditional IBM POWER Firmware group, and are shared with the IBM non-OpenPOWER POWER systems (“traditional” POWER). These components have part of their code from from an (internal) repository called “ekb” which also goes into a (very) low level debug tool and the FSP based systems. There’s also an (internal) gerrit instance that’s the primary place where code review/development discussions are for these components.

In future posts, I’ll probably delve into more specifics of the current development process, and how we may try and change things for the better.

How I do email (at work)

Recently, I blogged on my home email setup and in that post, I hinted that my work setup was rather different. I have entirely separate computing devices for work and personal, a setup I strongly recommend. This also lets me “go home” from work even when working from home, I use a different physical machine!

Since I work for IBM I have (at least) two email accounts for work: a Lotus Notes one and a internet standards compliant one. It’s “easy” enough to get the Notes one to forward to the standards compliant one, from which I can just use fetchmail or similar to pull down mail.

I run mail through a rather simple procmail script: it de-mangles some URL mangling that can happen in the current IBM email infrastructure, runs things through SpamAssassin and deliver to a date based Maildir (or one giant pile for spam).

My ~/.procmailrc looks something like this:


DATE=`date +"%Y%m"`

| magic_script_to_unmangle_things

| spamc

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

I use tail -f mail_log as a really dumb kind of biff replacement.

Now, what do I read and write mail with? Notmuch! It is the only thing that even comes close to being able to deal with a decent flow of mail. I have a couple of saved searches just to track how much mail I pull in a day/week. Today (on Monday), it says 442 today and 10,403 over the past week.

For the most part, my workflow is kind of INBOX-ZERO like, except that I currently view victory as INBOX 2000. Most mail does go into my INBOX, the notable exceptions are two main mailing lists I’m subscribed to mostly as FYI and to search/find things when needed. Those are the Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML) and the buildroot mailing list. Why notmuch rather than just searching the web for mailing list archives? Notmuch can return the result of a query in less time it takes light to get to and from the United States in ideal conditions.

For work, I don’t sync my mail anywhere. It’s just on my laptop. Not having it on my phone is a feature. I have a notmuch post-new hook that does some initial tagging of mail, and as such I have this in my ~/.notmuch-config:


My post-new hook looks like this:


# immediately archive all messages from "me"
notmuch tag -new -- tag:new and from:stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com

# tag all message from lists
notmuch tag +devicetree +list -- tag:new and to:devicetree@vger.kernel.org
notmuch tag +inbox +unread -new -- tag:new and tag:devicetree and to:stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com
notmuch tag +listinbox +unread +list -new -- tag:new and tag:devicetree and not to:stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com

notmuch tag +linuxppc +list -- tag:new and to:linuxppc-dev@lists.ozlabs.org
notmuch tag +linuxppc +list -- tag:new and cc:linuxppc-dev@lists.ozlabs.org
notmuch tag +inbox +unread -new -- tag:new and tag:linuxppc
notmuch tag +openbmc +list -- tag:new and to:openbmc@lists.ozlabs.org
notmuch tag +inbox +unread -new -- tag:new and tag:openbmc

notmuch tag +lkml +list -- tag:new and to:linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org
notmuch tag +inbox +unread -new -- tag:new and tag:lkml and to:stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com
notmuch tag +listinbox +unread -new -- tag:new and tag:lkml and not tag:linuxppc and not to:stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com

notmuch tag +qemuppc +list -- tag:new and to:qemu-ppc@nongnu.org
notmuch tag +inbox +unread -new -- tag:new and tag:qemuppc and to:stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com
notmuch tag +listinbox +unread -new -- tag:new and tag:qemuppc and not to:stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com

notmuch tag +qemu +list -- tag:new and to:qemu-devel@nongnu.org
notmuch tag +inbox +unread -new -- tag:new and tag:qemu and to:stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com
notmuch tag +listinbox +unread -new -- tag:new and tag:qemu and not to:stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com

notmuch tag +buildroot +list -- tag:new and to:buildroot@buildroot.org
notmuch tag +buildroot +list -- tag:new and to:buildroot@busybox.net
notmuch tag +buildroot +list -- tag:newa nd to:buildroot@uclibc.org
notmuch tag +inbox +unread -new -- tag:new and tag:buildroot and to:stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com
notmuch tag +listinbox +unread -new -- tag:new and tag:buildroot and not to:stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com

notmuch tag +ibmbugzilla -- tag:new and from:bugzilla@us.ibm.com

# finally, retag all "new" messages "inbox" and "unread"
notmuch tag +inbox +unread -new -- tag:new

This leaves me with both an inbox and a listinbox. I do not look at the overwhelming majority of mail that hits the listinbox – It’s mostly for following up on individual things. If I started to need to care more about specific topics, I’d probably add something in there for them so I could easily find them.

My notmuch emacs setup has a bunch of saved searches, so my notmuch-hello screen looks something like this:

This gets me a bit of a state-of-the-world-of-email-to-look-at view for the day. I’ll often have meetings first thing in the morning that may reference email I haven’t looked at yet, and this generally lets me quickly find mail related to the problems of the day and start being productive.

How I do email (at home)

I thought I might write something up on how I’ve been doing email both at home and at work. I very much on purpose keep the two completely separate, and have slightly different use cases for both of them.

For work, I do not want mail on my phone. For personal mail, it turns out I do want this on my phone, which is currently an Android phone. Since my work and personal email is very separate, the volume of mail is really, really different. Personal mail is maybe a couple of dozen a day at most. Work is… orders of magnitude more.

Considering I generally prefer free software to non-free software, K9 Mail is the way I go on my phone. I have it set up to point at the IMAP and SMTP servers of my mail provider (FastMail). I also have a google account, and the gmail app works fine for the few bits of mail that go there instead of my regular account.

For my mail accounts, I do an INBOX ZERO like approach (in reality, I’m pretty much nowhere near zero, but today I learned I’m a lot closer than many colleagues). This means I read / respond / do / ignore mail and then move it to an ARCHIVE folder. K9 and Gmail both have the ability to do this easily, so it works well.

Additionally though, I don’t want to care about limits on storage (i.e. expire mail from the server after X days), nor do I want to rely on “the cloud” to be the only copy of things. I also don’t want to have to upload any of past mail I may be keeping around. I also generally prefer to use notmuch as a mail client on a computer.

For those not familiar with notmuch, it does tags on mail in Maildir, is extremely fast and can actually cope with a quantity of mail. It also has this “archive”/INBOX ZERO workflow which I like.

In order to get mail from FastMail and Gmail onto a machine, I use offlineimap. An important thing to do is to set “status_backend = sqlite” for each Account. It turns out I first hacked on sqlite for offlineimap status a bit over ten years ago – time flies. For each Account I also set presynchook = ~/Maildir/maildir-notmuch-presync (below) and a postsynchook = notmuch new. The presynchook is run before we sync, and its job is to move files around based on the tags in notmuch and the postsynchook lets notmuch catch any new mail that’s been fetched.

My maildir-notmuch-presync hook script is:

notmuch search --output=files not tag:inbox and folder:fastmail/INBOX|xargs -I'{}' mv '{}' "$HOME/Maildir/INBOX/fastmail/Archive/cur/"

notmuch search --output=files folder:fastmail/INBOX and tag:spam |xargs -I'{}' mv '{}' "$HOME/Maildir/INBOX/fastmail/Spam/cur/"
ARCHIVE_DIR=$HOME/Maildir/INBOX/`date +"%Y%m"`/cur/
mkdir -p $ARCHIVE_DIR
notmuch search --output=files folder:fastmail/Archive and date:..90d and not tag:flagged | xargs -I'{}' mv '{}' "$ARCHIVE_DIR"

# Gmail
notmuch search --output=files not tag:inbox and folder:gmail/INBOX|grep 'INBOX/gmail/INBOX/' | xargs -I'{}' rm '{}'
notmuch search --output=files folder:gmail/INBOX and tag:spam |xargs -I'{}' mv '{}' "$HOME/Maildir/INBOX/gmail/[Gmail].Spam/cur/"

So This keeps 90 days of mail on the fastmail server, and archives older mail off into month based archive dirs. This is simply to keep directory sizes not too large, you could put everything in one directory… but at some point that gets a bit silly.

I don’t think this is all the most optimal setup I could have, but it does let me read and answer mail on my phone and desktop (as well as use a web client if I want to). There is a bit of needless copying of messages by offlineimap under certain circumstances, but I don’t get enough personal mail for it to be a problem.

Ten years of libeatmydata!

So, ten years ago (how is that even possible… it seems like it was just a couple of years ago), there was the first commit in the libeatmydata repository (now in git on github rather than in bzr on launchpad). The first implementation was literally just this:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

int errno;

int fsync(int fd)
       return 0;

Soooo…. kind of incredibly simple. But, hey, it worked! Little did I know, that these two lines of code were going to grow into 166 lines of C in order to do it a bit more “properly”.

My initial use case was making the MySQL test suite run faster: 30% faster back then! In fact, it was better than using tmpfs! It’s still used for that (even though I no longer hack on MySQL with any regularity), see github issue #1 for a recent bug that cropped up.

Since then, I’m aware of eatmydata being used to build entire operating systems and in production in way too many places (on way too many machines). The probability that any given human who’s used a computer in the past 10 years has used libeatmydata, used a package built with it or used a service with it running somewhere in production is so close to 1 that I don’t want to think about it.

Well… here’s to the next ten years of eating data!

Installing Windows on a USB key

For some unknown reason, the Windows installer doesn’t let you install to a USB key. Luckily, there’s a simple workaround. It turns out that only the very first step of installation cares about that. So, if you can fool it (say, by running in qemu), you can have a USB key with a Windows install rather than having to dual boot on your hard disk (e.g. if you run Linux and want all that fast in-built SSD space for Linux)

  1. Download the Windows Installer: https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/software-download/windows10ISO
  2. Start the installer in a VM, with the USB key passed through to the VM as the hard disk (or use a disk image the same size as your USB key for transfer with a utility such as ‘dd’ later). e.g. do:
    qemu-img create -f raw win-installed.img 50G
    qemu-system-x86_64 --enable-kvm -m 8G -cdrom Downloads/Win10_1709_English_x64.iso -hda win-installed.img -boot d
  3. At the first reboot of the installer, instead of letting it boot, stop the VM. You are going to copy the install at this state to the USB key.
  4. Boot from the USB key, go through the rest of the installer. You’re done!

Updating Intel Management Engine firmware on a Lenovo without a Windows Install

This is how I updated my Intel ME firmware on my Lenovo X1 Carbon Gen 4 (reports say this also has worked for Gen5 machines). These instructions are pretty strongly inspired by https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15744152

Why? Intel security advisory and CVE-2017-5705, CVE-2017-5708, CVE-2017-5711, and CVE-2017-5712 should be reason enough.

You will need:

  • To download about 3.5GB of stuff
  • A USB key
  • Linux installed
  • WINE or a Windows box to run two executables (because self extracting archives are a thing on Windows apparently)
  • A bit of technical know-how. A shell prompt shouldn’t scare you too hard.


  1. Go to https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/software-download/windows10ISO and download the 32-bit ISO.
  2. Mount the ISO as a loopback device (e.g. by right clicking and choosing to mount, or by doing ‘sudo mount -o loop,ro file.iso /mnt’
  3. Go to Lenovo web site for Drivers & Software for your laptop, under Chipset, there’s ME Firmware and Software downloads You will need both. It looks like this:
  4. Run both exe files with WINE or on a windows box to extract the archives, you do not need to run the installers at the end.
  5. you now need to extract the management engine drivers. You can do this in  ~/.wine/drive_c/DRIVERS/WIN/AMT, with “cabextract SetupME.exe” or (as suggested in the comments) you can use the innoextract utility (from linux) to extract them (a quick check shows this to work)
  6. Save off HECI_REL folder, it’s the only extracted thing you’ll need.
  7. Go and install https://wimlib.net/ – we’re going to use it to create the boot disk. (it may be packaged for your distro).
    If you don’t have the path /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios on your system but you do have /usr/share/syslinux/modules/bios – you will need to change a bit of the file programs/mkwinpeimg.in to point to the /usr/share locations rather than /usr/lib before you install wimlib. This probably isn’t needed if you’re installing from packages, but may be requried if you’re on, say, Fedora.
  8. Copy ~/.wine/drive_c/DRIVERS to a new folder, e.g. “winpe_overlay” (or copy from the Windows box you extracted things on)
  9. Use mkwinpeimg to create the boot disk, pointing it to the mounted Windows 10 installer and the “winpe_overlay”:
    mkwinpeimg -W /path/to/mounted/windows10-32bit-installer/ -O winpe_overlay disk.img
  10. Use ‘dd’ to write it to your USB key
  11. Reboot, go into BIOS and turn Secure Boot OFF, Legacy BIOS ON, and AMT ON.
  12. Boot off the USB disk you created.
  13. In the command prompt of the booted WinPE environment, run the following to start the update:
    cd \
    cd HECI_REL\win10
    drvload heci.inf
    cd \
    cd win\me

    It should look something like this:

  14. Reboot, go back into BIOS and change your settings back to how you started.

ZMODEM saves the day! Or, why my firmware for a machine with a CPU from 2017 contains a serial file transfer protocol from the 1980s

Recently, I added the package lrzsz to op-build in this commit. This package provides the rz and sz commands – for receive zmodem and send zmodem respectively. For those who don’t know, op-build builds a firmware image for OpenPOWER machines, and adding this package adds the commands to the petitboot shell (the busybox environment you get when you “exit to shell” from the boot menu).

For those who aren’t familiar with ZMODEM, you should first get off my lawn, and secondly, know that it’s a method for sending/receiving files over something akin to a serial port, e.g. a modem. The basic protocol is “I want to send you this file named FOO”, “okay, I would like to receive it”, “here’s some data and a checksum, did you get it and does it match the checksum?”, “yes!”, “okay, great, here’s the next bit” until the file is transferred. Importantly, it has a provision for “no, I didn’t get that right” and for bits to be resent.

The one thing that pretty much always somewhat works on a computer is a serial port (or something that looks like a serial port to software). When you connect to the IPMI console (“ipmitool sol activate”), the host sees this as a serial port that it pumps bytes over. With OpenBMC, you can actually connect to this serial port via SSH.

When diagnosing weird problems during firmware bringup such as “why doesn’t PCI work” or “why does my network adapter not work” (or, perhaps, somebody helpfully didn’t plug the network cable in), it can be useful to copy off a bunch of debug information from the machine.

You may say “can’t you just print the log file to the screen and save it?” and you’d be right, you can do that for text – it’s really annoying for binary data though. Plus, there have been bugs in the console implementations on pretty much every BMC I’ve ever used that makes them not as reliable as you’d like.

So, how could we transfer a file over the serial connection we have to the machine? The same way we did on a BBS! Enter ZMODEM. The error recovery properties are perfect in this situation.

So, how do you use it? I’ve found two ways that work well: GNU screen and zssh. For GNU Screen, you’ll want to configure it to catch zmodem traffic by doing “control-a:zmodem catch<ENTER>” (you need the colon there). After that if you execute “sz” on the host and the rest should be obvious! If you wanted to send a file to the host, run “rz” rather than “sz”.

op-test-framework: Let’s break the console!

One of the things I’ve been working on fairly quietly is the test suite for OpenPOWER firmware: op-test-framework. I’ve approach things I’m hacking on from the goal of “when I merge patches into skiboot, can I be confident that I haven’t merged something that’s broken existing functionality?”

By testing host firmware, we incidentally (as well as on purpose) test a whole bunch of BMC functionality. One bit of functionality we rely on a lot is the host “serial” console. Typically, this is exposed to the user over IPMI Serial Over LAN (SOL), or on OpenBMC it’s also exposed as something you can ssh to (which proves to be both faster and more reliable than IPMI, not to mention there’s some remote semblance of security).

When running through some tests, I noticed something pretty odd, it appeared as though we were sometimes missing some console output on larger IOs. This usually isn’t a problem as when we’re using expect(1) (or the python equivalent pexpect) we end up having all sorts of delays here there and everywhere to work around all the terrible things you hope you never learn. So… how could I test that? Well.. what about checking the output of something like dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=16|hexdump -C to see if we get the full output?

Time to add a test to op-test-framework! Adding such a test is pretty easy. If we look at the source of the test I added, we can see what happens (source here).

class Console():
    bs = 1024
    count = 8
    def setUp(self):
        conf = OpTestConfiguration.conf
        self.bmc = conf.bmc()
        self.system = conf.system()

    def runTest(self):
        console = self.bmc.get_host_console()
        bs = self.bs
        count = self.count
        self.assertTrue( (bs*count)%16 == 0, "Bug in test writer. Must be multiple of 16 bytes: bs %u count %u / 16 = %u" % (bs, count, (bs*count)%16))
            zeros = console.run_command("dd if=/dev/zero bs=%u count=%u|hexdump -C -v" % (bs, count), timeout=120)
        except CommandFailed as cf:
            self.assertEqual(cf.exitcode, 0)
        self.assertTrue( len(zeros) == 3+(count*bs)/16, "Unexpected length of zeros %u" % (len(zeros)))

First thing you’ll notice is that this looks like a Python unittest. It’s because it is. The unittest infrastructure was a path of least resistance, so we started with it. This class isn’t the one that’s actually run, we do a little bit of inheritance magic in order to run the same test with different parameters (see https://github.com/open-power/op-test-framework/blob/6c74fb0fb0993ae8ae1a7aa62ec58e57c0080686/testcases/Console.py#L50)

class Console8k(Console, unittest.TestCase):
    bs = 1024
    count = 8

class Console16k(Console, unittest.TestCase):
    bs = 1024
    count = 16

class Console32k(Console, unittest.TestCase):
    bs = 1024
    count = 32

The setUp() function is pure boiler plate, we grab some objects from the configuration of the test run, namely information about the BMC and the system itself, so we can do things to both. The real magic happens in runTest().

op-test-framework tracks the state of the machine being tested across each test. This means that if we’re executing 101 tests in the petitboot shell, we don’t need to do 101 separate boots to petitboot. The self.system.goto_state(OpSystemState.PETITBOOT_SHELL) statement says “Please ensure the system is booted to the petitboot shell”. Other states include OFF (obvious) and OS, which is when the machine is booted to the OS.

The next two lines ensure we can run commands on the console (where console is IPMI Serial over LAN or other similar connection, such as the SSH console provided by OpenBMC):

console = self.bmc.get_host_console()

The host_console_unique_prompt() call is a bit ugly, and I’m hoping we fix the APIs so that this isn’t needed. Basically, it sets things up so that pexpect will work properly.

The bit that does the work is the try/except block along with the assertTrue. We don’t currently check that the content is all correct, we just check we got the right *amount* of content.

It turns out, this check is enough to reveal a bug that turns out to be deep in the core Linux TTY layer, and has caused Jeremy some amount of fun (for certain values of fun).

Want to know more about how the console works? Jeremy blogged on it.

Fedora 25 + Lenovo X1 Carbon 4th Gen + OneLink+ Dock

As of May 29th 2017, if you want to do something crazy like use *both* ports of the OneLink+ dock to use monitors that aren’t 640×480 (but aren’t 4k), you’re going to need a 4.11 kernel, as everything else (for example 4.10.17, which is the latest in Fedora 25 at time of writing) will end you in a world of horrible, horrible pain.

To install, run this:

sudo dnf install \
https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//packages/kernel/4.11.3/200.fc25/x86_64/kernel-4.11.3-200.fc25.x86_64.rpm \
https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//packages/kernel/4.11.3/200.fc25/x86_64/kernel-core-4.11.3-200.fc25.x86_64.rpm \
https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//packages/kernel/4.11.3/200.fc25/x86_64/kernel-cross-headers-4.11.3-200.fc25.x86_64.rpm \
https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//packages/kernel/4.11.3/200.fc25/x86_64/kernel-devel-4.11.3-200.fc25.x86_64.rpm \
https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//packages/kernel/4.11.3/200.fc25/x86_64/kernel-modules-4.11.3-200.fc25.x86_64.rpm \
https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//packages/kernel/4.11.3/200.fc25/x86_64/kernel-tools-4.11.3-200.fc25.x86_64.rpm \
https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//packages/kernel/4.11.3/200.fc25/x86_64/kernel-tools-libs-4.11.3-200.fc25.x86_64.rpm \

This grabs a kernel that’s sitting in testing and isn’t yet in the main repositories. However, I can now see things on monitors, rather than 0 to 1 monitor (most often 0). You can also dock/undock and everything doesn’t crash in a pile of fail.

I remember a time when you could fairly reliably buy Intel hardware and have it “just work” with the latest distros. It’s unfortunate that this is no longer the case, and it’s more of a case of “wait six months and you’ll still have problems”.


(at least Wayland and X were bug for bug compatible?)

API, ABI and backwards compatibility are a hard necessity

Recently, I was reading a thread on LKML on a proposal to change the behavior of the open system call when confronted with unknown flags. The thread is worth a read as the topic of augmenting things that exist probably by accident to be “better” is always interesting, as is the definition of “better”.

Keeping API and/or ABI compatibility is something that isn’t a new problem, and it’s one that people are pretty good at sometimes messing up.

This problem does not go away just because “we have cloud now”. In any distributed system, in order to upgrade it (or “be agile” as the kids are calling it), you by definition are going to have either downtime or at least two versions running concurrently. Thus, you have to have your interfaces/RPCs/APIs/ABIs/protocols/whatever cope with changes.

You cannot instantly upgrade the world, it happens gradually. You also have to design for at least three concurrent versions running. One is the original, the second is your upgrade, your third is the urgent fix because the upgrade is quite broken in some new way you only discover in production.

So, the way you do this? Never ever EVER design for N-1 compatibility only. Design for going back a long way, much longer than you officially support. You want to have a design and programming culture of backwards compatibility to ensure you can both do new and exciting things and experiment off to the side.

It’s worth going and rereading Rusty’s API levels posts from 2008:

j-core + Numato Spartan 6 board + Fedora 25

A couple of changes to http://j-core.org/#download_bitstream made it easy for me to get going:

  • In order to make ModemManager not try to think it’s a “modem”, create /etc/udev/rules.d/52-numato.rules with the following content:
    # Make ModemManager ignore Numato FPGA board
    ATTRS{idVendor}=="2a19", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1002", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
  • You will need to install python3-pyserial and minicom
  • The minicom command line i used was:
    sudo stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 -crtscts && minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyACM0

and along with the instructions on j-core.org, I got it to load a known good build.

Books referenced in my Organizational Change talk at LCA2017

All of these are available as Kindle books, but I’m sure you can get 3D copies too:

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick M. Lencioni
Leading Change by John P. Kotter
Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance? Louis V. Gerstner Jr.
Nonviolent Communication: A language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg and Arun Gandhi