Is MySQL bigger than Linux?

I’m going to take the numbers from my previous post, MySQL Modularity, Are We There Yet? for the “kernel” size of MySQL – that is, everything that isn’t a plugin or storage engine.

For Linux kernel, I’m just going to use the a-bit-old git tree I have on my laptop. I’ve decided that the following directories are for “plugins” drivers/ arch/ sound/ firmware/ crypto/ usr/ virt/ tools/ scripts/ fs/*/* and everything else is core kernel code.

Version Total LoC Total Plugin LoC Remaining (kernel)
MySQL 5.6.10 1,049,344 265,189 784,155 (74% kernel)
MariaDB 5.5 1,142,118 315,796 826,322 (72% kernel)
Linux 9,983,269 8,824,121 1,159,148 (11% kernel)

The scary thing is that it’s surprisingly close, MySQL/MariaDB core is roughly 68-71% the  size of the Linux kernel. This is probably an unfairly large number for Linux too as there’s much more of Linux that is pluggable and modular… so I actually suspect they’re closer to exactly the same size.

If we look at the net/ directory in linux, it’s a grand total of 493,000 lines of code, all of which is fairly modular and independent. You could, quite reasonably, claim that the core of Linux is in fact closer to half a million lines of code than a million, making MySQL significantly larger.

So how many engineers are looking after each code base? We know there are over a thousand Linux kernel developers contributing to each release (e.g. for data back in 2010, and for Feb 2013).

I’m now going to fudge some things to attempt to work out how many “developers” are working on linux core code rather than drivers and arch specific things. I work out there’s probably about 20-25% of linux developers who work on things that are not drivers, filesystems or arch code. This is around 250-300 developers for each kernel release.

So… how many people have ever committed code to MySQL? This is fairly easy to find out: I simply looked at the entire bzr history, grepped out every committer and then uniqued the list (this required more than just sort -u as people used different email addresses and names). How many people have ever committed code to MySQL (i.e. their code can be found in the MySQL 5.6 bzr tree)? 312.

How many committers to MySQL 5.6 are there? 161. This is pretty amazing, that’s about half of what the total is. However, this number is misleading. For example, my name is there and the last commit to the MySQL tree from me was in 2008. You also see names such as Monty Taylor and Kristian Nielsen – all three of us not having worked for MySQL/Sun/Oracle for a great number of years. At the very least, there’s been a lot of code integration into MySQL 5.6 from many existing sources that were not previously in MySQL trunk.

MySQL modularity, are we there yet?

MySQL is now over four times the size than it was with MySQL 3.23. This has not come in the shape of plugins.

Have we improved modularity over time? I decided to take LoC count for plugins and storage engines (in the case of Drizzle, memory, myisam and innobase are storage engines and everything else comes under plugin). I’ve excluded NDB from these numbers as it is rather massive and is pretty much still a separate thing.

Version Total LoC Plugin LoC Storage Engines LoC Remaining (kernel)
MySQL 3.23.58 371,987 0 (0%) 176,276 195,711 (52% kernel)
MySQL 5.1.68 721,331 228 237,124 483,979 (67% kernel)
MySQL 5.5.30 858,441 2,706 171,009 684,726 (79% kernel)
MySQL 5.6.10 1,049,344 29,122 236,067 784,155 (74% kernel)
MariaDB 5.5 1,142,118 11,781 304,015 826,322 (72% kernel)
Drizzle trunk 334,810 31,150 130,727 172,933 (51% kernel)

I’ve used the non-plugin and non-storage engine code size to be the database “kernel” – i.e. the core of the database server.

What I find really interesting here is that yes, the amount of code that is to some degree modular has increased. The amount of code that is a MySQL plugin is still very small compared to the server size

Drizzle is 20-25% of the size of a modern MySQL or MariaDB server and for many applications does largely or exactly the same thing.

Other MySQL branch code sizes

Continuing on from my previous posts, MySQL code size over releases and MariaDB code size I’ve decided to also look into some other code branches. I’ve used the same methodology as my previous few posts: sloccount for C and C++ code only.

There are also other branches around in pretty widespread use (if only within a single company). I grabbed the Google, Facebook and Twitter patches and examined them too, along with Percona Server 5.1 and 5.5.

Codebase LoC (C, C++) +/- from MySQL
Google v4 patch 5.0.37 970,110 +26,378 (from MySQL 5.0.37)
MySQL@Facebook 1,087,715 +15,768 (from MySQL 5.1.52)
Twitter 5.5.29.t10 1,192,718 +3,624
Percona Server 5.1 trunk 1,066,418 +14,878 (from MySQL 5.1.66)
Percona Server 5.5 trunk 1,208,577 +19,483 (from MySQL 5.5.29) +142,159 (from PS 5.1)
Drizzle trunk 334,810

The Google patch has always had a reputation of being large, and with an extra 26kLOC of code, it certainly is the biggest of any of the more current branches – and that’s actually a surprise to me that it adds this much code.

The Facebook and Percona Server 5.1 branches are amazingly similar in how much extra code they add, and they’re not carbon copies of each other. The Twitter patch quite notable for how little extra code it adds.

For giggles, I included Drizzle – which is (even with all the plugins) less than a third of the size of MySQL 5.1.

It’s clear that the Percona Server and Facebook patches introduce much less code than MariaDB does, which does go with the general wisdom of them being closer to Oracle MySQL than MariaDB is.

If we look at Percona Server, we see that with Percona Server 5.5 there is indeed a bunch more code than was in Percona Server 5.1, with roughly 5,000 more lines of code than we’d expect from a simple port from MySQL 5.1 to MySQL 5.5. This feels about right, we’ve added new things to Percona Server 5.5 that weren’t in Percona Server 5.1.

MySQL code size over releases

As the start of a bit of a delve into the various MySQL branches and patch sets that have been around, let’s start looking at the history of MySQL itself. This is how big MySQL has been over all of the major releases since the beginning (where beginning=3.23). (edit: These numbers were all gathered using sloccount and only counting C++ and C source files.)

Codebase LoC (C, C++) +/- from previous MySQL
MySQL 3.23.58 371,987 0
MySQL 4.0.30 368,695 -3,292 (from MySQL 3.23)
MySQL 4.1.24 859,572 +490,877 (from MySQL 4.0)
+174,352 excluding NDB
MySQL 5.0.96 916,667 +57,095 (from MySQL 4.1)
MySQL 5.1.68 1,052,636 +135,969 (from MySQL 5.0)
MySQL 5.5.30 1,189,747 +137,111 (from MySQL 5.1)
MySQL 5.6.10 1,544,202 +354,455 (from MySQL 5.5)
increase in MySQL source code size over version

MySQL code size over major versions

Note the sharp increase in 5.6

LoC Delta for major MySQL release

We can see that MySQL has had some interesting code size changes over time, the big jump in 4.1 over 4.0 was mostly due to the introduction of MySQL Cluster, but even so, it was a big jump.

MySQL 5.6 is the largest MySQL code size increase in a MySQL version ever. The last time we saw anything like this was with the merging of MySQL Cluster in 4.1. At the very least, Oracle is paying people to write lines of code to extent that nobody has before.

Fun with Coverity found bugs (Episode 1)

Taking the inspiration of  great series of blog posts “Fun with Bugs” (and not which is about both caring for and eating bugs), and since I recently went and run Coverity against Drizzle, I thought I’d have a small series of posts on bugs that it has found (and I’ve fixed).

An idea that has been pervasive in the Drizzle project (and one that I rather subscribe to) is that there is two types of correct: correct and obviously correct. Being obviously correct is much, much better than merely being correct.

The first category of problems that Coverity found was kind of interesting, there was a warning that data_file_name and index_file_name in class ha_myisam weren’t initialized in the ha_myisam constructor nor in any function that it calls. It turns out that this was basically because the code wasn’t exactly optimal, and these variables were used kind of oddly. In fact, in writing this blog post I went back and found that there’s a bunch of extra dead code and these should just be removed, along with the code that “used” them.

The historical use for data_file_name and index_file_name were that (in MySQL) you could specify different paths for MyISAM data and index files, so that the FRM ended up in the server datadir, the data file ended up some other place and the index file was off behind the sofa. Since MyISAM is used only for temporary tables in Drizzle, this is entirely not needed.

Another place where a similar bug was found by Coverity was in the SQLExecutor class of the json_server plugin. The _err variable wasn’t initialized in the constructor. After some careful auditing, I think this was actually a false positive as it was set to something before being used, but it was pretty simple to prevent future bugs by initializing it.

Two instances of the same warning, one just found a bunch of code to delete (rather useful) and the other is rather minor but may help someone in the future.

Coming up next: total embarrassment bugs.

Coverity scan for Drizzle

Coverity is a static analysis tool, which although proprietary itself does offer a free scanning service for free and open source software (which is great by the way, I totally owe people who make that happen a frosty beverage).

Prompted by someone volunteering to get MariaDB into the Coverity Scan, I realized that I hadn’t actually followed through with this for Drizzle. So, I went and submitted Drizzle. As a quick overview, this is the number of problems of each severity both projects got back:

Severity MariaDB Drizzle
High 178 96
Medium 1020 495
Low 47 52

I don’t know what MySQL may be, but it’d be great to see this out in the open too.

New libeatmydata release (65): MacOS X 10.7 fixes

This release incorporates contributions from Blair Zajac to fix issues on MacOS X 10.7.

You can get the source tarball over on the launchpad page for the release or directly from my web site:

Impact of MySQL slow query log

So, what impact does enabling the slow query log have on MySQL?

I decided to run some numbers. I’m using my laptop, as we all know the currently most-deployed database servers have mulitple cores, SSDs and many GB of RAM. For the curious: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2620M CPU @ 2.70GHz

The benchmark is going to be:
mysqlslap -u root test -S var/tmp/mysqld.1.sock -q 'select 1;' --number-of-queries=1000000 --concurrency=64 --create-schema=test

Which is pretty much “run a whole bunch of nothing, excluding all the overhead of storage engines, optimizer… and focus on logging”.

My first run was going to be with the slow query log on. I’ll start the server with as it’s just easy:
eatmydata ./ --start-and-exit --mysqld=--slow-query-log --mysqld=--long-query-time=0

The results? It took 18 seconds.

How long without the slow query log (starting with again, but this time without any of the extra mysqld options)? 13 seconds.

How does this compare to a Drizzle baseline? On a freshly build Drizzle trunk, using the same mysqlslap binary I used above, connecting via UNIX socket: 8 seconds.

New Jenkins Bazaar plugin release

I’ve just uploaded version 1.20 of the Bazaar plugin for Jenkins. This release is based on feedback from users and our experiences at Percona.

  • Do a lightweight checkout instead of a heavyweight checkout (if “Checkout” is enabled)
  • Fix bug: lightweight checkout “update” would always fail as bzr update didn’t accept a repository argument. Switch to using bzr update followed by bzr switch. This should massively improve performance for those not doing a full branch.
  • Remove “Clean Branch” advanced option (replaced with “Clean Tree” option)
  • Add a “Clean Tree” advanced option. This will run “bzr clean-tree –quiet –ignored –unknown –detritus”, preserving the .bzr directory but doing the equivalent of wiping the workspace (starting with a fresh slate). This should massively improve performance for projects that do not have a clean build.
  • Clarify that Loggerhead is the repository browser used by Launchpad, and have a complete example of how to configure it.

Finding out What’s Next at BarCampMel 2012 with Drizzle, SQL, JavaScript and a web browser

Just for the pure insane fun of it, I accepted the challenge of “what can you do with the text format of the schedule?” for BarCampMel. I’m a database guy, so I wanted to load it into a database (which would be Drizzle), and I wanted it to be easy to keep it up to date (this is an unconference after all).

So… the text file itself isn’t in any standard format, so I’d have to parse it. I’m lazy and didn’t want to leave the comfort of the database. Luckily, inside Drizzle, we have a js plugin that lets you execute arbitrary JavaScript. Parsing solved. I needed to get the program and luckily we have the http_functions plugin that uses libcurl to allow us to perform HTTP GET requests. I also wanted it in a table so I could query it when not online, so I needed to load the data. Luckily, in Drizzle we have the built in EXECUTE functionality, so I could just use the JavaScript to parse the response from the HTTP GET request and construct SQL to load the data into a table to then query.

So, grab your Drizzle server with “plugin-add=js” and “plugin-add=http_functions” in the config file or as options to drizzled (prefixed with –) and….

This simple one liner pulls the current schedule and puts it into a table called ‘schedule’:

SELECT EXECUTE(JS("function sql_quote(s) {return s ? '\"'+ s.replace('\"', '\\\"') + '\"' : 'NULL'} function DrizzleDateString(d) { function pad(n) { return n<10 ? '0'+n : n } return d.getFullYear()+'-'+pad(d.getMonth()+1)+'-'+pad(d.getDate())+' '+pad(d.getHours())+':'+pad(d.getMinutes())+':'+pad(d.getSeconds()) } var sql = 'COMMIT;CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schedule (start_time datetime, stage varchar(1000), mr2 varchar(1000), mr1 varchar(1000), duration int); begin; delete from schedule;' ; var time= new Date;var input= arguments[0].split(\"\\n\"); var entry = new Array(); var stage, mr2, mr1; for(var i=0; i < input.length; i++) { var p= input[i].match('^(.*?) (.*)$'); if(p) {if(p[1]=='Time') { time=new Date(Date.parse(p[2]));} if(p[1]=='Duration') { sql+='INSERT INTO schedule (start_time,stage,mr2,mr1,duration) VALUES (\"' + DrizzleDateString(time) + '\", ' + sql_quote(stage) + ', ' + sql_quote(mr2) + ',' + sql_quote(mr1) + ',' + p[2] + '); '; time= new Date(time.getTime()+p[2]*60*1000); stage= mr2= mr1= ''; } if(p[1]=='stage') {stage=p[2]} if (p[1]=='mr2') {mr2=p[2]} if (p[1]=='mr1') {mr1=p[2]} }}; sql+='COMMIT;'; sql", (select http_get(''))));

Which you can then find out “what’s on now and coming up” with this query:

select * from schedule where start_time > DATE_ADD(now(), INTERVAL 9 HOUR) ORDER BY start_time limit 2\G
But it’s totally not fun having to jump to the command line all the time, and you may want it in JSON format for consuming with some web thing…. so you can load the json_server plugin and browse to the port that it’s running on (default 8086) and type the SQL in there and get a JSON response, or just look at the pretty table there.

Jenkins Bazaar plugin 1.19

I recently released a new version of the Bazaar plugin for Jenkins. This release was inspired by a problem we noticed at Percona. It is:

  • run “bzr revert” after a pull, as if you have a directory that is removed and re-added while having unknown files in said directory (e.g. build artifacts), you would end up in a very bad place (this is a BZR bug, so we work-around it with a “bzr revert”).

The update has already appeared in the Jenkins update centre, so you should already be able to upgrade to it.

New libeatmydata release!

I updated the web site for libeatmydata (woah!): and the launchpad page: to reflect this too.

New exciting things in the land of libeatmydata:

  • sync_file_range is now wrapped (thanks to Phillip Susi)
  • I now bundle the eatmydata helper script originally included in the debian packages
  • the autotools foo builds on MacOS X
  • I modified the eatmydata helper script to also do the right DYLD environment variables if it’s running on Darwin. i.e. the eatmydata helper script now runs on MacOS X too (well, it should – please test)
  • libeatmydata should now work just about everywhere that can LD_PRELOAD. Patches welcome.

If anyone knows how to build a non-versioned shared libray using autotools… I’d love to hear it. libeatmydata is totally not something that needs soname versioning. I guess it’s harmless though.

New Jenkins Bazaar plugin release! 1.18

From the desk of your new Bazaar plugin for Jenkins maintainer, I give you Version 1.18.

This release has two good bug fixes:

  • UI fix for checkout option (JENKINS-12261)
  • Auto-recover from corrupt BZR branches (e.g. bzr branch/checkout killed at inopportune moment) by cleaning the workspace and trying again (this is now default behaviour, best used with the Jenkins SCM retry count feature being > 1)

We’ve been running the same code as this release at Percona for about 2 months now (the second bugfix was one I wanted to test first before submitting upstream). This is the big fix that fixed all our problems with using bazaar with Jenkins in a large deployment.

The other news? I’m now maintainer, and this is my first release.

The page on the Jenkins wiki is here:

and updates should come through the standard Jenkins channels as all the auto-foo happens.

Hacking the Jenkins BZR plugin

For Drizzle and for all of the projects we work on at Percona we use the Bazaar revision control system (largely because it’s what we were using at MySQL and it’s what MySQL still uses). We also use Jenkins.

We have a lot of jobs in our Jenkins. A lot. We build upstream MySQL 5.1, 5.5 and 5.6, Percona Server 5.1, Percona Server 5.5, XtraBackup 1.6, 2.0 and 2.1. For each of these we also have the normal trunk builds as well as parameterised ones that allow a developer to test out a tree before they ask for it to be merged. We also have each of these products across seven operating systems and for each of those both x86 32bit and 64bit. If we weren’t already in the hundreds of jobs, we certainly are once you multiply out between release and debug and XtraBackup being across so many MySQL and Percona Server versions.

I honestly would not be surprised if we had the most jobs of any user of the Bazaar plugin to Jenkins, and we’re probably amongst the top few of all Jenkins installations.

So, in August last year we discovered a file descriptor leak in the Bazaar plugin. Basically, garbage collection doesn’t get kicked off when you run out of file descriptors. This prevented us from even starting back up Jenkins until I found and fixed the bug. Good times.

We later hit a bug that was triggered in the parallel loading of jobs during startup. We could get stuck in an infinite loop during Jenkins starting that would just eat CPU and get nowhere. Luckily Jenkins provides a workaround: specify “-Djenkins.model.Jenkins.parallelLoad=false” as an argument and it just does it single threaded. For us, this solves that problem.

We were also hitting another problem. If you kill bzr at just the wrong time, you can leave the repository in not an entirely happy state. An initial branch can be killed at a time where it’ll think it’s a repository rather than a checkout and there’s a bunch of other weirdness (including file system corruption if you happen to use bad VM software).

The way we were solving this was to sometimes go and “clean workspace” on the jobs that needed it (annoying with matrix builds). We’d switched to just doing “clean tree” for a bunch of builds. The problem with doing a clean tree was that “bzr branch” to check out the source code could take a very long time – especially for Percona Server which is a branch of MySQL and hence has hundreds of megabytes of history.

We couldn’t use bzr shared repositories as we kept hitting concurrency bugs when more than one jenkins job was trying to do a bzr operation at the same time (common when matrix builds kick off builds for release and debug for example).

So.. I fixed that in the Jenkins bazaar plugin too (which should be in an upcoming release) and we’ve been running it on our Jenkins instance for the past ~2 months.

Basically, if we fail to check out the Bazaar tree, we wipe it clean and try again (Jenkins has a “retry count” for source checkouts). This is a really awesome form of self healing. Even if the bazaar team fixed all the bugs, we’d still have to go and get that new version of bzr on all our build machines – including ancient systems such as CentOS 5. Not as much fun as bashing your head into a vice.

After all of that, I seem to now be the maintainer of the Bazaar plugin for Jenkins as Monty pointed out I was using it a lot more than him and kept finding and fixing bugs.

Soooo… say hello to the new Jenkins Bazaar plugin maintainer, me.

Yes, I maintain Java code now. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Contributor Agreements kill Contributions

A good while ago now, there was a bit of activity from others discussing the impact that contributor agreements have on contributions. Most notably, from Simon Phipps and Michael Meeks:

I’ve been around this Free and Open Source Software thing for a while now and I’ve noticed a pattern. People who hack on free software seldom have a desire to spend time speaking to the company lawyers instead of doing their jobs.

If you require a contributor agreement signed, it doesn’t involve an individual. It involves a legal department. Being a free software developer is a different mindset than working on proprietary software. No longer are you just working on one bit of software, you can work on any bit of software. Find a bug in your compiler? Well, you can fix that. Find a bug in a library you’re using? You can both work around it and submit a patch that fixes it.

There is a different between an open source project and an open source product. An open source product is easy – you just publish your source/binary packages with an open source license and do all your development and discussion inside the company. Easy and simple for most places to execute.

What is harder is having an open source project. This is where your company participates in the project, and is a trickier thing to get going – especially within large organisations that have historically been proprietary software houses. There are very few companies that have gotten this right, and even fewer that have gotten this right across the board. I would probably have to say that Red Hat is the company that consistently does this the best.

A low barrier to entry is what has made the largest, most successful free software projects what they are today. If you’re wanting your project to be an open source project and not an open source product – then you too must set a low barrier to entry. Contributor Agreements significantly raise the barrier to entry. Suddenly my 10 line patch to fix a bug turns into a discussion with my company lawyers, your company lawyers and goes from taking an extra 5 minutes to send an email with a patch to a mailing list into something that takes hours and hours of my time.

Any time I spend speaking to lawyers is time not spent improving the world. By having a Contributor Agreement you turn a 5 minute task into a several hour one, a task involving lawyers. You know what tasks involving lawyers are? Expensive. You now have developers not contributing to your project not because a lawyer said no, but because they worked out that the time and money that would be spent on contributing to your project not to be worth it for their company.

The only people who enjoy talking business with lawyers is other lawyers and the mentally ill[1]. We’re developers, not lawyers – don’t make us talk to them for orders of magnitude more time than it takes to fix some bit of code.


[1] I have lawyer friends, and that’s social time, not work. I’ve also worked with great lawyers, but I do wish the world was more sane to begin with and I didn’t need to spend as much time doing so.

pandora-build: autotools made easy

Way back in 2009, Monty Taylor got fed up with maintaining a set of common autotools foo across several projects (one of which was Drizzle) and started the pandora-build project.  Basically, it’s a collection of the foo you need for autotools to do things like: use it properly, detect a bunch of common libraries, enable crap-tons of compiler warnings (and -Werror) and write an application/library with plugins (that are auto-discovered and built).

(and don’t worry, there’s also modes to disable -Werror and different compiler warnings if you’re working on an old code base that really doesn’t build cleanly)

There’s also templates for Quickly to get you up and started really quickly.

Basically, for the past 3 years, whenever I’ve gone to write some small project (or got sufficiently annoyed with the broken build system on an old one), I’ve turned to pandora-build to solve my problems.

Recently, I’ve had the need to use the plugin infrastructure of pandora-build in a new project (I’ve used it extensively in Drizzle of course). The one bit that pandora does not take care of for you is the dlopen() code to load plugins at run time… although I do wonder about turning some of that code into a bit of a library just because a bunch of it is pretty common….

Of course, a task for me is to write up a blog post on how I did it all, but for the moment I thought I’d just share :)

Using Jenkins to parse sphinx warnings

At Percona, we’re now using sphinx for our documentation. We’re also using Jenkins for our  continuous integration. We have compiler warnings from GCC being parsed by Jenkins using the built in filters, but there isn’t one for the sphinx warnings.

Luckily, in the configuration page for Jenkins, the Warnings plugin allows you to specify your own filters. I’ve added the following filter to process warnings from sphinx:

For those who want to copy and paste:

Regex: ^(.*):(\d+): \((.*)\) (.*)

Mapping Script

import hudson.plugins.warnings.parser.Warning
String fileName =
String lineNumber =
String category =
String message =

return new Warning(fileName, Integer.parseInt(lineNumber), "sphinx", category, message);

Example log message: /home/stewart/percona-server/docs-5.1/doc/source/release-notes/Percona-Server-1.0.2-3.rst:67: (WARNING/2) Inline literal start-string without end-string.

Then I can select this filter from the job that builds (and publishes) our documentation and it shows up like any other compiler warnings. Neat!

TODO: get the intersphinx warnings also in there

TODO: fix the linkcheck target in Sphinx so that it’s easily parseable and can also be integrated.

Timing queries in the 21st century (with LD_PRELOAD and sed)

So… Baron blogged about wanting higher precision timers from the mysql binary and that running sed on the binary wasn’t cutting it. However… I am not one to give up that easily!

This is what LD_PRELOAD was made for! Evil nasty hacks to make your life easier!

By looking at the source code, I can easily work out how this works… I just have to override two calls! They being sysconf() (we fake how many ticks per second there are) and times() (let’s return a much higher precision number).

Combined with the sed hack on the binary to change the sprintf call to print out the higher precision number, we have:

mysql> select count(*) from t1;
| count(*) |
|   710720 |
1 row in set (1.080110 sec)

Get it from my junkcode:

(or you can get it from